Organisation, navigation and design

Image: Organisation Structure. A well-designed course is an engaging course. Using sensible navigation and clear organisation you enable both staff and students to find the information they need quickly. Ensure that:

  • RequiredInformation/content is organised logically from a student perspective, eg by topic/week
  • RequiredFolder names and hyperlink text describe the contents or destination, with extra descriptions added where appropriate; when a link opens in a new browser window, this should be made clear in advance
  • RequiredThe number of clicks needed to reach information is kept to a minimum
  • RequiredResponsibility for regular housekeeping is assigned and observed
  • RequiredFulfilled by Blackboard.‌A course map is available
  • RequiredThe course map is signposted to students and staff
  • RequiredNavigation is clearly structured and consistent throughout the course, so that information can be located quickly
  • RequiredFulfilled by Blackboard.‌Navigation works with assistive technology, eg navigation is also usable via key strokes
  • RequiredThe course has a clean appearance and a consistent layout, alignment and colour scheme throughout
  • RequiredText is displayed using consistent fonts, preferably sans-serif
  • RequiredColour is not the sole method of conveying important information; for example, links should be underlined as well as highlighted
  • RequiredFlashing, scrolling or animated text is not used
  • RequiredFulfilled by Blackboard.‌The colour scheme and font can be changed to accommodate user preferences or disabilities.  


  • RequiredBaseline criteria, which should be achieved by all courses
  • Enhanced.Enhanced approaches, which may not always be applicable, but can provide a richer experience for students
  • RequiredFulfilled by Blackboard.Baseline criteria which are automatically fulfilled in Blackboard