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Exercise to map question to Bloom's level

Try the following activity and match each question to one of Bloom's levels of learning


What is this question testing?

Please select an answerYes that's correct. In order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the author No, that's not right. It's knowledge because in order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the authorNo, that's not right. It's knowledge because in order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the authorNo, that's not right. It's knowledge because in order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the authorNo, that's not right. It's knowledge because in order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the authorNo, that's not right. It's knowledge because in order to answer this question students only have to remember the name of the author
Check your answer


What is this question testing (assuming it comes from a course on cognitive psychology not on piano tuning)?

Please select an answerNo, that's not right. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before. No, that's not right. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before.Yes that's correct. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before.No, that's not right. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before.No, that's not right. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before.No, that's not right. In order to answer this question students need to know about the different types of memory systems and how these are used, and apply this knowledge into a context which they have (presumably) not encountered before.
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