Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Andy Ridgwell

Personal details
Name Professor Andy Ridgwell
Job title Professorial Research Fellow
Department School of Geographical Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Cantab.), M.Sc.(Nott.), Ph.D.(E.Anglia)
Professional details
Keywords climate change
global warming
ocean acidification
carbon cycle
global biogeochemical cycles
Areas of expertise The global carbon cycle and regulation of atmospheric CO2; past, present, and future. Interaction of carbon cycle with climate. Role of changes in CO2 and climate in major evolutionary and extinction events in the past, and in turn, role of life in controlling CO2 and climate. Computer modeling; of global climate and carbon cycle. Good strong cider. Cats.
Media experience General newspaper/journal/magazine inquires
Some radio, live + pre-recorded, podcasts
Once ... local TV news