Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Leon Tikly

Personal details
Name Professor Leon Tikly
Job title Professor in Education
Department School of Education University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 331 4366
Qualifications B.Ed.(C.N.A.A.), M.Phil., Ph.D.(Glas.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training
British Association for International and Comparative Education
Keywords ethnic minority achievement in education
African education
education quality
South African education
globalisation and education
Areas of expertise I have expertise in the educational achievement of black and minority ethnic pupils in the UK. I also direct a major research programme consortium looking at the quality of education on in Africa. I have partiuclar expertise in relation to South African education. A key area of interest is the impact of globalisation on education systems.
Media experience I have experience of television, radio and newspaper interviews.