Directory of Experts

Details for Mr Peter Milner

Personal details
Name Mr Peter Milner
Job title Teaching Fellow in Film and Television
Department Department of Film and Television University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA
Professional details
Keywords television production
film production
Areas of expertise I teach film and television production in the department, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. I am a specialist tutor in lighting and cinematography and I supervise student productions on the MA course in Film & TV production.

I have many years experience both as a freelancer in the camera department and as a collaborator in a number of independent projects. I am experienced in a broad range of styles and approaches to film-making including drama, documentary and music-video, shooting both on film and digital media. Recent broadcast camera credits include the TV drama ‘Bridgeman’, and the documentary ‘The Brassknocker Hill Project’.