Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Dudley Shallcross

Personal details
Name Professor Dudley Shallcross
Job title Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Soton.), M.Ed.(Bristol), D.Phil.(Oxon.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies National Teaching Fellow (NTF)
Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society (FRMet.Soc.)
Fellow of the Society of Biology (FSB)
Member of the Royal Society of South Africa
Director of the AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust
Keywords promotion of Science to the public
transition from A-level science to university
primary, second and tertiary science education
air pollution
global warming
chemical sensors
analytical chemistry
stratospheric ozone
Areas of expertise Atmospheric chemistry, including the causes and impact of air pollution on urban, regional and global scales and the causes, impact and possible feedbacks of climate change on the biosphere (e.g. plants and trees).

Expertise extends from computer modelling of the atmosphere to laboratory studies of processes occurring in the atmosphere to making field measurements of air composition using a range of analytical techniques.

I am expert on transition from A-level to degree (developing programmes to enhance uptake in Chemistry (Science) at A-level and degree) and in primary science education and transition to secnondary school.

I am a National Teaching Fellow (first in Chemistry), from 2005-2010 was Outreach Director for Bristol ChemLabS and now Director of AZSTT.
Media experience Interviews with local and national newspapers.
Interviews with local TV.
Interviews with local Radio.