Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Guido Heldt

Personal details
Name Dr Guido Heldt
Job title Senior Lecturer in Music
Department Department of Music University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications D.Phil.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Gesellschaft fuer Musikforschung
Gesellschaft fuer Medienwissenschaft
International Musicological Society
Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung
Keywords Film music analysis
Film music history (esp. film music and musical film in Nazi Germany)
Representation of music in film (esp. composer biopics)
British art-music (esp. 20th century)
Areas of expertise I got my PhD in 1997 (at the University of Muenster in Germany) with a dissertation on English early-20th-century tone poems (by Granville Bantock, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Edward Elgar, George Butterworth, Gerald Finzi and Gustav Holst) and ideas of a national music in England. In recent years I have been increasingly involved in film music studies; current projects are: film music analysis and narrative theory; the representation of music in film (esp. musician biopics); musical film in Nazi cinema.
Languages (other than English)
German spoken    written
Media experience - Work as a music critic for a daily newspaper in Dortmund/Germany 1992-1997
- Occasional work for a local radio station in Dortmund 1991/92