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Details for Dr Michael Green

Personal details
Name Dr Michael Green
Job title Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Hull), Ph.D.(Lond.), D.Sc.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords organometallic chemistry
mononuclear phosphaalkyne complexes
cyclo and linear-oligomerisation reactions
Areas of expertise My research group is concerned with two interrelated areas of organometallic chemistry. Firstly, we study the reactivity of mononuclear h2(4e)-bonded phosphaalkyne (ButCºP) complexes (1, 2) which has the objective of providing new insights into cyclo- and linear-oligomerisation reactions and the synthesis of, for example, analogues of tropone and polyacetylenes (3), but with alternate phosphorus centres. Secondly, we are very interested in developing new synthetic protocols for transition metal phosphido and arsenido complexes [M]ºE (E = P or As) (4), with a view to using such species to transfer phosphorus and arsenic atoms to other metal centres, unsaturated organic molecules and perhaps most important of all boron, aluminum, gallium and iridium centres. These main group structures could lead to new semi-conductor materials and inorganic analogues of fullerenes and nanotubes.