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Details for Dr Aidan Dodson

Personal details
Name Dr Aidan Dodson
Job title Senior Research Fellow
Department Department of Anthropology and Archaeology University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 954 6073
Qualifications B.A.(Liv.), M.Phil (Cantab), Ph.D.(Cantab.), F.S.A.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Society of Antiquaries of London (Fellow) [FSA]
Egypt Exploration Society [EES]
Sudan Archaeological Research Society [SARS]
American Research Center in Egypt [ARCE]
International Naval Research Organisation [INRO]
Keywords Egyptology
naval history
funerary archaeology
British royal tombs
Areas of expertise Egyptian archaeology, with particular reference to tombs; ancient Egyptian history; history of Egyptian archaeology

Royal tombs of Great Britain

Naval ships and history since 1860
Media experience Have appeared in a number of TV documentaries, and been interviewed on live radio and TV on various aspects of ancient Egypt.