Directory of Experts

Details for Professor John Armitage

Personal details
Name Professor John Armitage
Job title Emeritus Professor
Department Bristol Medical School (THS) University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 34 24585
Qualifications B.Sc.(Lond.), Ph.D.(C.N.A.A.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies British Association for Tissue Banking (former President)
European Eye Banking Association
Society for Low Temperature Biology
Society for Cryobiology
Keywords cryobiology
organ transplants
tissue banking
eye banking
corneal transplantation
Areas of expertise I am Director of Tissue Banking, responsible for the Bristol Eye Bank, one of the largest eye banks in Europe, and the Bristol Heart Valve Bank. These two tissue banks supply corneas and heart valves for use in patients throughout the UK.

My research covers the storage of living cells and tissues used in transplantation as well as clinical follow-up studies on corneal transplant outcome. In particular I am interested how cells are damaged by freezing and how to avoid that damage (cryobiology). I also collaborate on research into corneal cell biology.
Media experience Interviews for radio, television and newspapers.