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PARIP 05 International Conference
29 June - 3 July 2005 | Bretton Hall Campus, Wakefield, University of Leeds


click on image to enlarge

All of the images in the galleries (excluding those of the Overlie/Calderon-Bentin workshop) are the work of photographer, Peter Metelerkamp www.petermet.com to whom PARIP are extremely grateful.



  • Workshop - Presenters: Andy Lavender, Gregg Fisher, Ayse Tashkiran

  • Workshop - Presenters: Teresa Dillon (chair), Mike Brookes, Jon Dovey, Zoe Laughlin, Mike Pearson, Maria X

  • Workshop - Presenters: Mary Overlie and Sebastian Calderon-Bentin


  • Workshop - Presenter: Annette Arlander


    Return to IMAGE GALLERIES: DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5


© University of Bristol: Peter Metelerkamp 2005