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PARIP 2003



performance studies
university college northampton
musings on documentation: performative self-ethnography as a methodological tool for documenting practice as research in performance

The aim of this performed paper is to problematise and develop current research on performance documentation whilst discussing the research methodologies employed in a particular case study – ‘The Woman’, an improvised practice as research project by ‘redleaf dance’, artistic director Jane Bacon. As a solo interdisciplinary performer I use performative self-ethnography, film ethnography and ‘focusing’ (Gendlin, 1981), or the ‘felt-sense, as a method of recognising how we attend to our experiences of the world'. These are the theoretical tools I will be using during the performance/paper to develop structured improvisations that generate fragmented reflexive stories in emerging relationships between performative disciplines and between performance and documentation. My question in respect of this practice is: ‘Must practice as research include some form of disseminable ‘reflection’ or is the practice in performance / screening contexts sufficient to stand as research outputs?

This work is developed within The Choreographic Lab, a practice-based research centre (Director, Jane Bacon) that has a commitment to assisting artists/researchers to explore and develop their personal tools of communication in respect of their creative processes. I am Senior Lecturer in Dance and Performance Studies at University College Northampton. Previous performance and video work includes: The Woman (2001, 2002, 2003) a continuing research project with intermittent performance outcomes; ‘Unveiling the Dance: Arabic Dancing in an Urban English Landscape’ (unpublished PhD,2003); Insistence…cont’d (2001); Shimmies and Veils in Middle England (1999); Going for it! Dancing and Community in Northampton (1998); The Collection (with Midgelow, 1999); Phasia (with Hale, 2000); Practically Perfect by Practically Perfect People (with Daniels, 2000); Trains, Planes and Automobiles (with Hale, 2001).

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