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Experts in 'climate change'

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  Professor Jonathan Bamber
Post(s): Professor (Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award Holder), School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: My area of expertise is in satellite remote sensing of the polar regions and, in particular, the great ice sheets of Antarctica...
Keywords: glaciology | climate change | satellite remote sensing | ice sheets | Antarctica | Greenland | Arctic
  Dr Jon Bridle
Post(s): Reader in Evolutionary Biology, School of Biological Sciences
Areas of expertise: My research interests focus on population and evolutionary genetics, particularly how maximum rates of adaptation relate...
Keywords: evolutionary genetics | population genetics | adaptation | quantitative traits | climate change | adaptive divergence | assortative mating
  Professor Martin Genner
Post(s): Professor in Evolutionary Ecology, School of Biological Sciences
Areas of expertise: I am interested in the ecological and evolutionary processes have shaped spatial and temporal patterns of biological diversity,...
Keywords: population genetics | aquatic environments | European marine fishes | fishes of the East African great lakes | climate change | conservation genetics | pelagic fishes
  Dr Aoife Grant
Post(s): Global Methane Budget Project Manager, School of Chemistry
Areas of expertise: I specialise in the measurement of atmospheric trace gases and greenhouse gases. I am also experienecd in the analysis and...
Keywords: atmosphere | atmospheric chemistry | greenhouse gases | trace gas measurement | air pollution | climate change
  Dr Jo House
Post(s): Reader in Environmental Science and Policy, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: As Science and Policy Officer for the QUEST program (Quantifying Earth system processes and feedbacks for better informed...
Keywords: the Earth | global environment | environment | carbon cycle | land use change | greenhouse gas emissions | climate | climate change
  Dr Natalie Lord
Post(s): Research Associate in Nuclear Waste Safety, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: My research focuses on modelling long-term past and future changes in climate that occur over tens to hundreds of thousands...
Keywords: climate change | nuclear waste disposal | glacial-interglacial cycles | environment | carbon cycle | future and palaeo climate modelling
  Professor Tony Payne
Post(s): Professor of Glaciology & Head of School in Geographical Sciences, School of Geographical Sciences
Head of School, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: I am interested in the flow and dynamics of ice sheets, in particular those of Antarctica and Greenland. My early work was...
Keywords: glaciology | Greenland | Antarctica | ice sheets | glaciers | numerical modelling | climate change | sea level rise
  Professor Jonathan Reid
Post(s): Professor, School of Chemistry
Areas of expertise: Research in the Particle Dynamics Group is focussed on understanding the chemical and physical dynamics of single aerosol...
Keywords: single aerosol particles | aerosol particles | optical tweezers | heat and mass transfer | climate change | atmospheric chemistry | combustion aerosol | laser techniques
  Professor Andy Ridgwell
Post(s): Professorial Research Fellow, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: The global carbon cycle and regulation of atmospheric CO2; past, present, and future. Interaction of carbon cycle with climate....
Keywords: climate change | global warming | ocean acidification | glacial | geoengineering | carbon cycle | CO2 | global biogeochemical cycles
  Professor Daniela Schmidt
Post(s): Professor in Palaeobiology, School of Earth Sciences
Areas of expertise: My research primarily employs marine microfossils to study the interrelationships between palaeoclimatic changes and the...
Keywords: ocean acidification | climate change | evolution | palaeoceanography
  Dr Emma Stone
Post(s): Senior Research Associate, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: My research forms part of the European Union funded project past4future. This project investigates the climate and environment...
Keywords: past4future | interglacials | climate change | ice sheets
  Mr Kyle Taylor
Post(s): Visiting Industrial Fellow, School of Chemistry
Areas of expertise: My research involves developing sea surface temperature and pCO2 records for the period between 60 and 40Ma, representing...
Keywords: sea surface temperature | climate change
  Professor Paul Valdes
Post(s): Professor of Physical Geography, School of Geographical Sciences
Areas of expertise: My expertise is in the area of understanding natural climate/environmental variability and to use this knowledge to better...
Keywords: climate change | environment | weather | meteorology | palaeoclimate | storm tracks | global warming | E-Science