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Programme structure: Health Sciences Research (MRes) - what's running in 2024/25

This degree is also offered to students (usually from Medicine, Dentistry, or Veterinary Science) as an intercalating award, normally taken after 3 years of study.

Unit name Unit code Credit points Status Teaching Block
Foundations in Health Sciences Research BRMSM0074 20 Mandatory TB-1
Project Proposal in Health Sciences MEDIM0016 20 Mandatory TB-1
Research Club in Health Sciences Research BRMSM0075 20 Mandatory TB-4
Research Project in Health Sciences MEDIM0015 120 Mandatory AYEAR

Award requirements

The pass mark set by the University for any level 7 unit is 50 out of 100.

For detailed rules on the award of credit, reassessment and award of a qualification please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

Degree classifications:

An award with Merit or Distinction is permitted for postgraduate taught masters, diplomas and certificates, where these are specifically named entry-level qualifications. An award with Merit or Distinction is not permitted for exit awards where students are required to exit the programme on academic grounds. An exit award with Merit or Distinction may be permitted where students are prevented by exceptional circumstances from completing the intended award.

The classification of the award in relation to the final programme mark is as follows:

  • Distinction = final programme mark of 70+
  • Merit = final programme mark of 60-69
  • Pass = final programme mark of 50-59
  • Fail = final programme mark of 49 or less

* The MA in Law has separate regulations for awarding distinction and merit.

Diploma/certificate stages:

To be awarded a postgraduate diploma, students must have successfully completed 120 credit points, of which 100 must be at level 7.

To be awarded a postgraduate certificate, students must have successfully completed 60 credit points, of which 40 must be at level 7.
