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Programme structure: Education (PhD) - what's running in 2025/26

Please note: Programme and unit information may change as the relevant academic field develops. We may also make changes to the structure of programmes and assessments to improve the student experience.

    This section describes which Units you will take in which year of study. It indicates which units are mandatory and where you will be able to choose. The overall pass marks you will need to achieve in order to progress or achieve an award are shown. The full regulations concerning progression and completion are held in the University's Regulations and Code of Practice. Any particular aspects of your programme that are unusual will be highlighted. If any Units are must pass this will be shown below. The linked unit specifications detail any additional requirements.

    What do the Levels represent?

    What do the teaching blocks (TB) mean?

    If you are selecting optional units, ensure that you have a balanced workload through the year.

  • Year 1 (2025/26)

PhD students (not SWDTP) need to complete 80 credits unless they are exempted from individual units after applying for Recognised Prior Learning. They attend five compulsory units of which four units are assessed. The units are Core Skills in Educational Research (not assessed), Understanding Educational Research, Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences and Philosophy and Research Design. Note that students need not complete the 80 credits units in their first year but they can choose to complete units later. However, students should have completed the units before month 18 (full-time students) or month 36 (for part-time students).

For SWDTP-students only: Students need to complete at least 60 credits unless they are exempted from individual units after applying for Recognised Prior Learning. In TB2 students have to take either Advanced Quantitative or Advanced Qualitative Research Methods. Note that students need not complete the 60 credits units in their first year (but they can if they wish); they can choose to e.g. complete two units in the first year, and the third in the second year of studies. However, students should have completed the units before month 18 (full-time students) or month 36 (for part-time students).

Digital Methods and Data Skills, Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences and either Advanced Quantitative Research Methods or Advanced Qualitative Research Methods are mandatory for SWDTP students only.

Unit name Unit code Credit points Status Teaching Block
Core Skills in Educational Research EDUCM5501 0 Mandatory TB-1
Understanding Educational Research EDUCM5502 20 Mandatory TB-1
Philosophy and Research Design in the Social Sciences (SoE) EDUCM0005 20 Mandatory TB-2
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) EDUCM0003 20 Mandatory TB-1
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences (GSoE) EDUCM0004 20 Mandatory TB-1
SWDTP students complete:
Digital Methods and Data Skills, Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences and either Advanced Quantitative Research Methods or Advanced Qualitative Research Methods are mandatory for SWDTP students only. Students must pass three research training units to remain on the PhD or demonstrate equivalent prior learning.
Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences SSLFM0001 20 Mandatory TB-1
Digital Methods and Data Skills SSLFM0002 20 Mandatory TB-1
SWDTP students select one unit from:
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods SSLFM0003 20 Optional TB-2
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods SSLFM0004 20 Optional TB-2

Progression/award requirements

The assessment of the taught component of a doctoral degree is governed by the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and is assessed separately from the research project. Progression to the research project may be dependent on the successful completion of the taught component - please refer to the relevant handbook for the structure of the particular programme.

The pass mark set by the University for any level 7(M) unit is 50 out of 100.

Exit awards

It may be possible to exit the programme with a taught award. For detailed rules please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Research Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

Additional progress information

The assessment of the taught units of a doctoral degree is governed by the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and is assessed separately from the research project. Progression to the research project may be dependent on the successful completion of the taught units - please refer to the relevant handbook for the structure of the particular programme.

The pass mark set by the University for any level 7(M) unit is 50 out of 100.

It may be possible to exit the programme with a taught award. For detailed rules on progression please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Research Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

Digital Methods and Data Skills, Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences and either Advanced Quantitative Research Methods or Advanced Qualitative Research Methods are mandatory for SWDTP students only.

Students must pass three research training units to remain on the PhD or demonstrate equivalent prior learning.
