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Unit information: Zen Buddhism in 2016/17

Please note: you are viewing unit and programme information for a past academic year. Please see the current academic year for up to date information.

Unit name Zen Buddhism
Unit code THRS30060
Credit points 20
Level of study H/6
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Professor. D'Costa
Open unit status Not open




School/department Department of Religion and Theology
Faculty Faculty of Arts

Description including Unit Aims

This unit examines the history of Zen Buddhism, from its origins in medieval China to later developments in Korea, Vietnam and Japan. Themes covered will include the teachings of key texts and figures, well-known stories, monastic life in Zen monasteries and the introduction of Zen to the West.

Intended Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit students will have:

  1. developed a basic understanding of key concepts and historical developments associated with Zen Buddhism, such as sudden enlightenment, Bodhidharma, Huineng, and koans;
  2. acquired sufficient knowledge to be able to pursue further study of Zen independently;
  3. acquired basic skills in reading and assessing primary sources (in translation) and in analyzing these sources in both written and oral form;
  4. demonstrated the ability to identify and evaluate pertinent evidence/data in order to illustrate/demonstrate a cogent argument.

Teaching Information

Seminars - 3 hours per week

Assessment Information

One summative coursework essay of 3000 words (50%) and one unseen examination of two hours (50%).

Reading and References

Robert T. Buswell, Jr., The Zen Monastic Experience. Buddhist Practice in Contemporary Korea (Princeton U.P., 1992)

Jack Keroac, Dharma Bums (Penguin, 1976)

John R. McRae, Seeing Through Zen. Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism (University of California Press, 2003) . Reiho Masunaga, Dogen. A Primer of Soto Zen (East-West Center Press, 1971).

Burton Watson, The Zen Teachings of Master Lin-chi (Shambhala, 1993).

Philip B. Yampolsky, The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch (Columbia U.P., 1967)
