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Unit information: Policy and Management Consultancy in 2023/24

Unit name Policy and Management Consultancy
Unit code GEOGM0072
Credit points 20
Level of study M/7
Teaching block(s) Teaching Block 2 (weeks 13 - 24)
Unit director Dr. Jessica Espey
Open unit status Not open
Units you must take before you take this one (pre-requisite units)


Units you must take alongside this one (co-requisite units)


Units you may not take alongside this one


School/department School of Geographical Sciences
Faculty Faculty of Science

Unit Information

This unit brings a practical dimension to postgraduate study by providing an opportunity for students to work in small teams to address real life policy and management challenges facing external clients, including public, private and non-profit organisations.Past clients have included the United Nations, international think-tanks, ecologically-minded companies, public policy consultancies and local government.

The Unit Director, in collaboration with other research institutes within the University (e.g. Cabot Institute, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, Perivoli Africa Research Centre) and the Public Engagement Team, will solicit project proposals from external clients such as non-governmental organisations, government agencies, private companies and large development research consortia. These will be vetted by the Unit Director and then presented to students as options. Projects will be allocated to small teams of 3–5 students based upon student preferences. Over the course of the term, students will negotiate a terms of reference, undertake research, produce a report and make a final presentation to their assigned clients. This research component of the course will be complemented by a seminar series oriented around critical reflection on the key skills required by policy and management consultants.

Overall, the unit aims to give students the skills required to become effective influencers. Specific unit objectives include:

  • Developing tools and techniques for problem framing and analysis in response to a client brief;
  • Experience in planning, managing and delivering a research project as part of a team;
  • Enhanced professional communications skills; and
  • The development of reflective skills, particularly with regard to strategic thinking and teamwork.

Your learning on this unit

Upon successful completion of this unit, students will have achieved:

  1. Insight into the challenges and dynamics of developmental and environmental knowledge, policy and practice;
  2. An understanding of a range of tools and techniques for problem framing and analysis;
  3. Hands-on experience of negotiating, managing and delivering a client brief;
  4. An understanding of the process of planning, managing and delivering a collective research project;
  5. An enhanced capacity to communicate research, and proposed actions emerging from research, in an effective manner, both in writing and oral presentation;
  6. A critical, reflective approach to consultancy practice.

How you will learn

The unit will be taught through a blended combination of in-person and online teaching, delivered by University of Bristol staff with contributions from expert practitioners, including:

  • Online resources
  • Synchronous group workshops, seminars, tutorials and/or office hours
  • Asynchronous individual activities and guided reading for students to work through at their own pace

How you will be assessed

25% - Final group presentation (all students in each group receive the same mark). [ILOs 1-5]

50% - Final group research report of no more than 10,000 words (all students in each group receive the same mark). [ILOs 1-5]

15% - Client feedback (a standardised survey regarding professional conduct, communication and degree of success in satisfying the TOR. Each student in the group will receive the same mark). [ILOs 5 and 6]

10% - Peer assessment (to mitigate free-riding and encourage critical reflection on teamwork. Individual mark). [ILOs 4 and 6]


If this unit has a Resource List, you will normally find a link to it in the Blackboard area for the unit. Sometimes there will be a separate link for each weekly topic.

If you are unable to access a list through Blackboard, you can also find it via the Resource Lists homepage. Search for the list by the unit name or code (e.g. GEOGM0072).

How much time the unit requires
Each credit equates to 10 hours of total student input. For example a 20 credit unit will take you 200 hours of study to complete. Your total learning time is made up of contact time, directed learning tasks, independent learning and assessment activity.

See the University Workload statement relating to this unit for more information.

The Board of Examiners will consider all cases where students have failed or not completed the assessments required for credit. The Board considers each student's outcomes across all the units which contribute to each year's programme of study. For appropriate assessments, if you have self-certificated your absence, you will normally be required to complete it the next time it runs (for assessments at the end of TB1 and TB2 this is usually in the next re-assessment period).
The Board of Examiners will take into account any exceptional circumstances and operates within the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes.
