The Smugglers' City
Department of History, University of Bristol


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Establishment of the Port of Gloucester, 4 Oct 1580

Manuscript: TNA SP12/143 no. 17
Transcribed by : Evan Jones (August, 2007) [check 3]

On 20 June 1580, Gloucester, which had served as a member port of Bristol since 1575, was granted letters patent turning it into an independent head port, with jurisdiction of all of the River Severn above Beachley on the west bank of the river and Aust on the east (CPR, 1578-1580, no. 1338). The letter below records Glocuester's thanks to Burghley, the Lord Treasurer of England, for having supported the change. Bristol's reaction to the development can be found at:

Letter: Gloucester Council to Burghley

May it please youre honour to be advertised we have
receved her majesties most gracious Lettres Patentes of the
graunte of a Custome Howse in Gloucester by the handes of Master
Delabere comptroller thereof. / The greate traveilles which
youre honour hath bestowed therin, the same being compassed
by youre Lordships only good meanes, do geve us juste cause to
acknowledge our selves and oure Sucessours greatlie bounde
to youre honour aswell in that as in manie other thinges
and do therefore render to youre honour oure moste humble
thankes. And in token of oure moste dutifull myndes, we
have by this bringar (Master Peter Goughe her majesties customer
heere) sente to our honour againe the Patente which
was geven to youre honour at Christmas laste with the smalle
fee therof diewe and that also w hich shalbe due at Christmas nexte
moste hartely beseechinge your honour to accepte the same with
thoffer of all our service and hartes at youre Lordships commaundement for
ever. And so leavinge any further to trouble your Lordship at
this tyme do prey to god to graunte youre Lordship longe lief in
moste happie estate. Gloucester this iiii th of October 1580 ./.

Your honours for ever most humble
to commaunde ./././././.



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