Financial capability in Northern Ireland

Authors: Adele Atkinson
Funded by: Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Published by: Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Publication date: September 2007

It is widely recognised that consumers need financial skills to help them to make informed choices and reduce the potential for costly mistakes.

In 2005 the Financial Services Authority commissioned a survey of the financial behaviour and attitudes of adults. The findings from the survey were published in the 2006 report 'Levels of financial capability in the UK: results of a baseline survey'.

The Baseline Survey showed significant differences in levels of capability across the countries within the UK. It also purposely over-sampled within Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland in order to facilitate detailed nation-by-nation analysis. With this in mind that the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland commissioned this research to gain a better understanding of levels of financial capability within Northern Ireland. This report describes the results of new analysis of the Northern Ireland data from the Baseline Survey of Financial Capability.

Managing money - how does Northern Ireland add up? (PDF, 2,656kB)

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