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Details for Dr Gaston Fornes

Personal details
Name Dr Gaston Fornes
Job title Senior Teaching Fellow
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 3310792
Qualifications B.A.(Nac de Cuyo), M.B.A.(Adolfo Ibanez), Ph.D.(Bath)
Professional details
Keywords emerging economies
China - Latin America Relations
foreign exchange exposure in emerging economies
SMEs in Emerging Economies
Areas of expertise Before starting my doctoral studies, I worked in industry for around ten years in the USA, Argentina, and Chile. My main research interest is management in emerging markets, especially foreign exchange exposure in these markets, and the internationalization of their companies to other emerging countries. I am currently undertaking research on the internationalization of Chinese companies to Latin America.
Languages (other than English)
Spanish spoken    written
Media experience