
Below is a list of recent publications written by members of the ERVIC team. Taken together, these resources provide a valuable body of theoretical and empirical work on social care which we hope to develop further in the ERVIC project.


Cameron, A, Brangan, E, Gabbay, J, Klein, J, Pope, C.J, and Wye, L (2017) Discourses of Joint Commissioning. Health and Social Care in the Community (Early View).

Lloyd, L, Calnan, M, Cameron, A, Seymour, J, Smith, R, and White, K (2017) Older people’s perspectives on dignity: the benefits and challenges of a qualitative longitudinal approach to researching experiences of later lifeInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20 (6): 1-12.

Smith, R, Darton, R.A, Cameron, A, Johnson, E.K, Lloyd, L, Evans, S, Atkinson, T.J, and Porteus, J (2017) Outcomes-based commissioning for social care in extra care housing: is there a future?Housing, Care and Support20(2): 60-70.

Evans, S, Atkinson, T, Darton, R, Cameron, A, Netten, A, Smith, R, and Porteus, J (2017) A community hub approach to older people’s housingQuality in Ageing and Older Adults, 18 (1): 20-32.

Hafford-Letchfield, T, Simpson, P, Almack, K & Willis, P, 2017, ‘Developing inclusive residential care for older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) people: An evaluation of the Care Home Challenge action research project.’Health and Social Care in the Community.

Willis, P, 2017, ‘Queer, visible, present: the visibility of older LGB adults in long-term care environments’Housing, Care and Support, vol 20., pp. 110-120

Willis, PB, Raithby, M, Maegusuku-Hewett, T & Miles, P, 2017, ‘'Everyday Advocates’ for Inclusive Care?: Perspectives on Enhancing the Provision of Long-Term Care Services for Older Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in Wales’British Journal of Social Work, vol 47., pp. 409-426

Schaub, J, Willis, PB & Dunk-West, P, 2017, ‘Accounting for Self, Sex and Sexuality in UK Social Workers’ Knowledge Base: Findings from an Exploratory Study’British Journal of Social Work, vol 47., pp. 427-446

Cameron, A (2016) What have we learnt about joint working between health and social care? Public Money & Management, 36 (1): 7-14.

Willis, P, Hafford-Letchfield, T & Smith, A, 2016, ‘Guest editorial: In the margins or the mainstream? Future directions and innovations in providing inclusive accommodation and support for older LGBTI adults’Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, vol 17., pp. 1-5

Jones, SM & Willis, P, 2016, ‘Are you delivering trans positive care?’Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, vol 17., pp. 50-60

Willis, P, 2016, ‘Tuning in to the sexual histories and lives of older adults’.

WILLIS, P, MAEGUSUKU-HEWETT, T, RAITHBY, M & MILES, P, 2016, ‘Swimming upstream: the provision of inclusive care to older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults in residential and nursing environments in Wales’Ageing and Society, vol 36., pp. 282-306

Willis, P, Raithby, M & Maegusuku-Hewett, T, 2016, ‘Navigating Stormy Waters: Consent, Sexuality and Dementia in Care Environments in Wales.’. in: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* Individuals Living with Dementia: Concepts, Practice and Rights. London, Routledge, pp. 203-216

Johnson, E.K (2015) The business of care: the moral labour of care workers. Sociology of health & illness37 (1): 112-126.

Smith, R (2015) Longitudinal studies and housing with care in England: a review. Housing, Care and Support, 18 (1): 1-11.

Atkinson, T, Evans, S, Darton, R, Cameron, A, Porteus, J, and Smith, R (2014). Creating the asset base – a review of literature and policy on housing with care. Housing, Care and Support, 17 (1): 16-25

Cameron, A, Bostock, L, and Lart, R (2014) Service user and carers perspectives of joint and integrated working between health and social care. Journal of Integrated Care, 22 (2): 62-70

Cameron, A, Lart, R, Bostock, L, and Coomber, C (2014) Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services: a review of research literature. Health and Social Care in the Community, 22 (3): 225-233.

Kendall, S, and Cameron, A (2014) Personalisation of adult social care: self-directed support and the choice and control agenda. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42 (4): 264-271.

Smith, R (2013) Death and dying in residential careQuality in Ageing and Older Adults, 14 (3): 205-217

Lloyd, L, Calnan, M, Cameron, A, Seymour, J and Smith, R (2012) Identity in the fourth age: perseverance, adaptation and maintaining dignity. Ageing and Society. 34 (1): 1-19

Cameron, A, and Lloyd, L. (2011) Are some boundaries easier to bridge? Policy and Politics, 39 (3): 361-377.

Lloyd, L, White, C, and Sutton, E (2011) Researching the end-of-life in old age: cultural, ethical and methodological issuesAgeing and Society, 31 (3): 386 - 407

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