IAS Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professor Albrecht Classen, The University of Arizona, USA

11 October – 1 November 2015

Classen image

Dr. Albrecht Classen received his Staatsexamen (M.A.) from the University of Marburg, Germany, in 1982, and after two years of graduate studies at the University of Oxford and two years of graduate studies at the University of Virginia his Ph.D. in 1986. He has been with the University of Arizona since 1987. He has published sixteen monographs and 61 volumes of translations, textbooks, proceedings, collections of articles, and also 8 volumes of his own poetry. He has published 574 scholarly articles. He is the editor of the journals Mediaevistik and Humanities Open Access-Online. He is also the editor, together with Dr. Marilyn Sandidge, of the book series “Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture (Berlin: De Gruyter). Dr. Classen has won numerous teaching and research awards, and the German government honored him with the “Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band” (Order of Merit) in 2004. In 2012 he was honoured with the title of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Arizona Professor of the Year.

During his stay at Bristol Professor Classen will participate in the workshop Charlemagne: A European Icon and will give a lecture about The Role of Charlemagne in Medieval German Literature: Myth-Making in the Middle Ages and until Today (both on the 14th October). 

For further details regarding Dr. Classen's visit please contact Dr. Marianne Ailes (marianne.ailes@bristol.ac.uk).